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A Nutrition Scientist Explains Why You Should Stop Drinking Cow's Milk

It is now known that milk is not as healthy as it was called for a long time. But are you aware of what you may do to your body if you drink cow's milk? Bodo Melnik, Professor of Nutritional Science at the University of Osnabrück, is considered one of the biggest critics of the beverage. He clarifies why he considers it extremely questionable to consume cow's milk.

"Milk is not a product," he says. "Milk is a highly complex signaling substance for the care of a newborn. You're signaling growth."

It could also be understood as a kind of doping. But this must end after weaning, Melnik explains. "All animals will stop - except humans."

Milk increases the risk of prostate cancer

According to the Osnabrück scientist, drinking milk sends a signal to the human body and aims at growth - which is why milk is so important for newborns. Stimulating an adult's body to grow could be dangerous. Tumors are caused by uncontrolled cell proliferation.

It is now known that the risk of prostate cancer increases with milk consumption. Why is that? Melnik has put forward a hardware-software argument. Milk and amino acids bring the hardware with it. These form the basis of proteins and activate the growth of cells.

It becomes more critical when the software aspect comes into play: the scientist has found about 250 genetic particles in cow's milk. High consumption may lead to a change in one's own genetics. It is not yet clear what concrete consequences this will have.

Does milk really supply calcium?

A widespread thesis is that the drink is important for strong bones. Contrary opinions claim that the protein content over acidified the body, whereby the so important calcium is excreted more often.

So is milk a source of calcium or not? The 'Vegan World' magazine reports that the calcium balance of dairy products is basically positive.

Whether the bones can be strengthened by this, however, is uncertain. For risks such as osteoporosis, there are numerous other factors such as one's own genetics, hormones or personal activity level.

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