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Effective and Practical Techniques to Raise Your Vibration

Updated: Oct 25, 2018

In an ideal world, you get to wake up every day feeling grounded and centered in your strongest emotional, mental, and spiritual state. In this world, reality is more complex than that. Whether it is due to an intense astrological event, an unpleasant personal experience, or an unexpected outside force, every once in a while you may find yourself feeling drained and not your best self. Fortunately, you are always in charge of your own experience and can turn this around momentarily when equipped with the right tools to raise your vibration.

When you feel yourself getting carried away by the life’s hectic energies, and you want to regain your center and raise your vibration or overall state of being fast, the following tools are here to help you.

Use Gratitude, Love, and Joy | Raise Your Vibration

Love for yourself, others, and the world around you is at the very top of the emotional scale. It is the highest of all of the positive emotions, and it is often grouped alongside of appreciation, compassion, joy, gratitude, and passion.

There are no bad emotions on the emotional scale, the lower ones are there to provide you with valuable information as well as show you where you have been holding your focus. To change your focus instantly and raise your vibration, you should tune-in to the emotions that have the highest resonance: love, gratitude, and joy.

Three ways to align with these vibrations are: - Say out loud three things that you are grateful for today to quickly shift to a state of gratitude. It matters not how big or small these things are, but rather how you feel about them. You can say that you are grateful to be alive and that the sun is shining above your head. You can be grateful for your loved ones. You can be grateful for that amazing and nutritious meal you had. - Call someone you love and ask them about their day. Shifting the focus from you to other people is a sure way to get out of your own funk. - Say or do something nice for a person next to you. This also shifts your focus towards other people, which is psychologically proven to instantly raise your mood. As a Chinese saying goes, “If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”

Nourish Your Body With Food

Nutritious food is a vital part of our day, and there is a balance to achieve. Just like eating processed junk food is bad for you, so is forcing yourself to eat otherwise healthy food that is simply not making you happy. Your goal is to keep trying new foods and recipes until you find what is equally beneficial for your body and joyful for your soul.

Quick tips to find balance in your culinary choices:

- Eat organic, raw food. It can be smoothies, juices, salads, or even healthy raw desserts from nuts and fruits. There is a lot to learn from the raw vegan diet and thousands of recipes to discover and try. There is something out there for everyone. - Drink plenty of filtered water. This will help detox your body, which in turn will help you feel better and lighter.

Let Yourself Relax and Rejuvenate

A busy, cluttered mind can be a cause of much distress. The monkey brain, as psychologists call it, has the ability to create problems that do not exist through worrying about things that might never happen. Your goal is to gently and lovingly stop it. To do so, you can incorporate different healthy relaxation techniques.

Quick relaxation tips: - Take a bath with Epsom salt to relax and detoxify the body. Try adding some essential oils to help soothe the mind as well. - Choose a meditation that serves you at this moment. It can be silent or guided, or you may choose to do a walking meditation in a park or in nature. - Do a short breathing exercise. One example is the 4-7-8 breath. To practice this type of breathing exercise, inhale with your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale with your mouth for 8 seconds. Just doing this for a few minutes will help you feel more calm and centered. - Say no to things that drain your energy; things that are not your responsibility and are often done only out of guilt or obligation. Choose how you spend your time and energy wisely.

Get Closer to Nature

In Japan in the 1980s, scientists developed what they call Forest Therapy (also known as forest bathing). While for people who love nature this was not new, for the big city dwellers this was groundbreaking. This therapy is different from hiking, as the people participating do not have a particular destination in mind and are not in a hurry to get there. The idea behind this practice is to simply be inside nature, breathe it in, and once again feel that you are connected with the whole world.

Many say that it helps see the world anew with all of its vibrant colors and amazing potential. If ever there was a perfect way to raise your vibration, this is it.

Tips for appreciating nature: - Walk barefoot on the ground and lay on the grass. - Find a tree that stands out to you and go next to it. Hug it or sit by its trunk and meditate. - Unplug from all of your electronic devices for an hour or for a day.

Start Moving and Shaking

Your physical wellbeing is closely connected to your emotional state and is important to raise your vibration. Negative emotions and traumas can get physically stuck in parts of the body. This is why physical movement is so important; it can literally shake out the stuck energy that is not serving you. Getting physically moving also raises the endorphins, hormones responsible for many functions in the body. They also trigger positive emotions.

Quick tips to shake it up a bit: - Go for a run or a brisk walk. - Stretch or do yoga. - Start dancing like no one is watching. Turn on the music that brings you joy and move in any way that feels right.

Additional Resources: The Great Health Debate: Is Veganism Healthier Than An Animal-Based Diet?

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