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RICH VS POOR MINDSET | An Eye Opening Interview with Robert Kiyosaki

RICH VS POOR MINDSET | An Eye Opening Interview with Robert Kiyosaki

"The Gap Between the 1% and the 99% is Massive." ROBERT KIYOSAKI. So what do you do? RICH DAD, POOR DAD book: RICH DAD, POOR DAD Audiobook: Ways to stay connected with Motiversity and stay motivated: ▶Subscribe for New Motivational Videos Every Week: ▶DOWNLOAD our Top 100 Quotes of All Time: ▶JOIN our Newsletter for Exclusive Updates, Discounts, and Deals: ▶FOLLOW our Podcasts: ▶SHOP Official Motivational Canvases and Apparel - ▶BECOME A MEMBER of our loyal community! Special thanks to Patrick-Bet David from Valuetainment. Subscribe to them for more inspiring interviews: ▶Speaker Robert Kiyosaki Follow Robert Kiyosaki YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: ►Follow Motiversity on Social Media Find us everywhere: Discord: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Website: ►Follow Motiversity on Music and Podcast Platforms Spotify Music: Apple Music: Podcasts: 👈 Download Mindset app for free and listen to all the world's best motivational speeches. Follow all the Motiversity YouTube channels: ►Music by Audiojungle ►Video footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from Artgrid and Videoblocks. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. Get amazing royalty-free footage (2 free months): ▶Submit to Motiversity Speeches: Music or Footage: ▶New Motiversity Motivational Canvas Art ▶Join Our Motivational List and get Exclusive Videos, Discounts and Updates ▶Recommended Reading List: Amazing Authors like Brendan Burchard, David Goggins, James Clear, Dale Carnegie, Stephen R. Covey, Nick Winter, Tara Westover, Mel Robbins, Steven Pressfield, Charles Duhigg, Elizabeth Gilbert, David Allen, Billy Alsbooks, Walter Bond, Kevin Kruse, and Zac Bissonnette. Disclaimer: Please note we receive commissions from Amazon when you use our referral links. Thank you for your support! FTC Disclosure: Amazon links provided are linked to our Amazon Affiliate account & support the channel at no extra cost to you #RichVsPoorMindset #Motiversity #RobertKiyosaki #motivation Help us caption & translate this video!
Atrae MILAGROS de Abundancia de la 5ta Dimensión Cuántica. Frecuencia Dorada de la Ley de Atracción

Atrae MILAGROS de Abundancia de la 5ta Dimensión Cuántica. Frecuencia Dorada de la Ley de Atracción

✅ Recibe la meditación exclusiva de la Abundancia para atraer lo que deseas a tu vida, visita: ✅ Mi otro canal sobre la ley de la atracción: ✅ Disfruta de mi música de relajación para meditar: En Amazon: En iTunes: Spotify: ✅Mis redes Sociales: Tiktok: Linkedin: Instagram: Pinterest: Facebook: Podcast: ✅ Mi libro Cómo Vencer el Miedo: ¿De qué se trata nuestro canal? meditación guiada,meditaciones guiadas,meditacion,meditaciones, Nuestro canal se enfoca en crear las mejores meditaciones guiadas combinadas con una excelente producción de música de relajación y meditación. Entre los tópicos más comunes al elaborar cada meditación guiada se encuentran: meditación guiada para dormir profundamente, meditación trascendental, meditaciones metafísicas, cómo hacer meditación, meditación estilo osho, meditación con los ángeles, meditación llama violeta, meditación hoponopono, meditación vipassana, yoga y meditación, meditación budista, meditación mindfulness, técnicas de meditación, meditación zen, ejercicios de meditación, Relajación Música de meditación musical para una curación extremadamente poderosa. Relaja la mente y el cuerpo y experimenta el alivio del estrés con esta música de meditación profunda. La música en trance para dormir te ayudará a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad. La poderosa música de meditación también se puede utilizar para la relajación y la visualización. Es un recurso perfecto para la música de meditación relajante y prolongada. Aquí puedes encontrar sesiones de meditación con música para dormir, música de estudio, música de spa y masajes, y muchas más. Encuentra importantes hipnosis de autoayuda que incluyen música curativa, música zen y música de yoga. Algunas sesiones se producen para tu transformación interior: para vencer el miedo, elevar tu estado de ánimo y niveles de energía, ayudar a dejar de fumar y adelgazar más rápido. Las grabaciones de Música de meditación también incluyen Música Reiki, Música tibetana y Música chamánica. * Lista de reproducción de música para dormir: ➡️ Frecuencias curativas y música curativa: Nuestra música relajante compuesta funciona muy bien para meditaciones, técnicas de meditación Zen, cantos de meditación budista y técnicas de meditación de atención plena. La meditación curativa está influenciada por la música de meditación india y la música de meditación japonesa. Las frecuencias curativas pueden ayudar a abrir el Tercer Ojo, limpiar el Chakra y mejorar las habilidades de meditación Trascendental. Nuestra meditación binaural beats ayuda a curar de forma natural dolencias físicas de larga data. Elija sanar tanto física como emocionalmente. * Audio de Spa y Masaje: La música del spa generalmente se combina con sonidos de la naturaleza, sonidos de lluvia, piano acústico y algunos instrumentos fáciles de escuchar. La música de relajación definitiva es ideal para la terapia de masajes. Aumente sus sentimientos de empoderamiento y creatividad. * Reiki y música Zen: Reiki Music y Zen Music de Greenred Productions es una opción perfecta para las sesiones de sanación de Reiki y para entrar en un estado profundo de Zen. Las poderosas vibraciones de Reiki son una técnica de medicina alternativa. Nuestra música de arrastre de ondas cerebrales también incluye tonos isocrónicos para la cognición y el manejo del estrés. Yoga Música: Aquí encontrará audio de yoga para principiantes, ejercicios de yoga y cánticos de yoga con música relajante que lo ayudará a entrar en un trance profundo de kundalini yoga. También ofrecemos sesiones de equilibrio y curación para todos los chakras, incluido el chakra sacro, el chakra del plexo solar, el chakra del corazón, el chakra de la garganta, el chakra de la corona y el chakra del tercer ojo. PORTAL 11 1 22 [ABIERTO YA] Cómo Atraer Dinero, Abundancia y Prosperidad Ley de atracción


Support the channel by getting The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel here: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases. --- Have you heard the story about Ronald Read, the janitor that had 8 million dollars in savings when he died in 2014? Yes, you heard that right. Janitor. $8 millions. And he didn´t win the lottery or inherit the money either. He just saved consistently throughout his life, while letting the wonders of compounding do its thing. The morale is that your behaviour with money is oftentimes more important than how intelligent you are. Even if you don´t have a diploma from Harvard, or work on Wall Street, you can become rich by just behaving in a sound way. As Morgan Housel puts it: “financial success is not a hard science. It’s a soft skill, where how you behave is more important than what you know.” Spend your next ten or fifteen minutes on this video, and you might excel on the soft skill of investing! This is a top 5 takeaways summary of The Psychology of Money, by Morgan Housel. --- Also, for my private stock portfolio & revealing insights into my investment strategy, head over to: --- Want to know more about human psychology and its relation to money? Check out my top 10 (!) takeaways from Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman here: --- Top 5 takeaway of The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel: 00:00 Intro 01:14 1. Pay the Price 04:18 2. Never Enough 07:50 3. Crazy is in the Eye of the Beholder 10:32 4. Peek-A-Boo 12:30 5. The Seduction of Pessimism --- My goal with this channel is to help you make more money and improve your personal finances. How to become a millionaire? There are many ways to get there – investing in the stock market, becoming a stock trader, doing real estate investing, or why not becoming an entrepreneur? But whether you are interested in how to invest in stocks or investing strategies for creating passive income with rental properties – I hope to be able to provide you with a solution (or at least an idea) here. Warren Buffett - the greatest investor of our time - says that you should fill your mind with competing ideas and then see what makes sense to you. This channel is about filling your mind with those ideas. And in the process – upgrading your money-making toolbox.
Get Rich in the New Economy [2022]

Get Rich in the New Economy [2022]

Want my books for free? Go here: The easiest business I can help you start (free trial): If you’re new to my channel, my name is Alex Hormozi. I’m the founder and managing partner of It’s a family office, which is just a formal way of saying we invest our own money into companies. Our 10 portfolio companies bring in over $250,000,000+ per year. Our ownership stake varies between 20% and 100% of them. Given this is a YT channel, and anyone can claim anything, I’ll give you some stuff you can google to verify below. How I got here… 21: Graduated Vanderbilt in 3 years Magna Cum Laude, and took a fancy consulting job. 23 yrs old: Left my fancy consulting job to start a business (a gym). 24 yrs old: Opened 5 gym locations. 26 yrs old: Closed down 6th gym. Lost everything. 26 yrs old: Got back to launching gyms (launched 33). Then, lost everything for a 2nd time. 26 yrs old: In desperation, started licensing model as a hail mary. It worked. 27 yrs old: "Gym Launch" does $3M profit the next 6 months. Then $17M profit next 12 months. 28 yrs old: Started Prestige Labs. $20M the first year. 29 yrs old: Launched ALAN, a software company for agencies to work leads for customers. Scaled to $1.7mmo within 6 months. 31 yrs old: Sold 75% of UseAlan to a strategic buyer in an all stock deal. 31 yrs old: Sold 66% of Gym Launch & Prestige Labs at $46.2M valuation in all-cash deal to American Pacific Group. (you can google it) 31 yrs old: Started our family office We invest and scale companies using the $42M in distributions we had taken + the cash from the $46.2M exit. 32 yrs old: Started making free content showing how we grow companies to make real business education accessible to everyone (and) to attract business owners to invest or scale their businesses. 34 yrs old: I became co-owner of to help the many people who want to start a business online do so. Today: Our portfolio now does $200M/yr between 10 companies. The largest doing $100M/yr the smallest doing $5M per year. Our ownership varies between 20% and 100% ownership of the companies. Many of them we invested in early and helped grow (which is how we make our money - not youtube videos). To all the gladiators in the arena, we’re all in the middle of writing our own stories. The worse the monsters, the more epic the story. You either get an epic outcome or an epic story. Both mean you win. Keep crushing. May your desires be greater than your obstacles. Never quit, Alex *FULL DISCLOSURE* I make content to make money - just - on a longer time horizon than most. I want to build trust with business owners so we can find the best ones and help them scale. And if they’re awesome, write them a check and go all the way as partners.
How To Run A Profitable Business & Make Money

How To Run A Profitable Business & Make Money

What are clients really asking when say, "How much does this cost?" What I wished I knew when I ran my first business. Learn the difference between cost, price and value. In this live stream Chris shares how you can make more money by knowing the difference between cost, price, and value. He reveals that value is subjective to the person buying. Learn more about our Business Bootcamp, designed to help you attract the right clients and grow your business: 06:00 - What is cost? 08:00 - What do people really mean when they say cost? 08:30 - What is the real meaning of value? 11:00 - What should all go into cost? 13:00 - How much should you should charge for profit? 20:00 - Who takes more of the risk you or your client? 23:00 - Who determines the value and price between you and the seller? 32:00 - What is the double keystone effect? 45:00 - Why does the cost of a Coke vary between wholesaler, retailer, and movie theater? 54:00 - Recap Learn about The Futur Business Bootcamp: Now is the time to attract more profitable clients and charge your worth. Learn how to implement both of these in our free 3-part Scaling From Zero training series - Want to make a donation: Use Venmo and send to: @theChrisDo Follow him on IG: @theChrisDo === 🚀 Futur Accelerator The step-by-step blueprint and coaching program designed to get your creative business off the ground: 🥇 Futur Pro The professional creative community designed to grow your personal brand, your business, and your network: ✍️ Other Courses, Templates, and Tools: 🎙 The Futur Podcast: Recommended books, tools, music, resources, typefaces & more: Music by Epidemic Sound: Shorts Playlist: We love getting your letters. Send them here: The Futur c/o Chris Do 1702 Olympic Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 *By making a purchase through any of our affiliate links, we receive a very small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps us on our mission to provide quality education to you. Thank you. — Host– Chris Do Content Director– Matthew Encina Cinematography– Mark Contreras, Stewart Schuster, Ricky Lucas, Jona Garcia Live Editor– Jona Garcia Editor– Stewart Schuster, Mark Contreras, Ricky Lucas, Jona Garcia Social Team: Elle Money, Alex Burlui Futur Theme Music – Adam Sanborne Typefaces: Futura, DIN, Helvetica Now, Calibre, Knockout, Champion Gothic Futur theme song— Adam Sanborne
Jordan Peterson Reveals How to Sell Anything to Anyone

Jordan Peterson Reveals How to Sell Anything to Anyone

In this interview '12 Rules for Life' author and Clinical Psychologist Jordan Peterson talks with Rob Moore about predictors for entrepreneurial success, the importance of dynamic opposition in a business partnership, and just how crucial marketing and sales skills really are, even for creative artists. ✩NEVER MISS AN EPISODE ✩ Exclusive content & interviews only available on the podcast Together, Rob and Jordan break down the necessary evils of proper scheduling, the benefits of selling directly to consumers, and why you should always have someone around to say no. Hopefully this provides you with some motivation for success. ABOUT JORDAN Jordan B Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He is a frequent lecturer and author of the best-selling book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, which has sold over two million copies since its release in January 2018. ► #JordanPeterson | #HowToSell | #Entrepreneurship ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ THE DISRUPTIVE ENTREPRENEUR ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Interviews Playlist Podcast ☑ iTunes: ☑ Stitcher: 🔗 The Disruptive Entrepreneur mixes interviews with titanic, world disruptors plus Rob's own detailed critical analyses of all areas of entrepreneurship. ❝If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything❞ - Rob Moore Rob is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs to succeed and has written many books with this aim. ►Get his best-selling 'Money' book here: ►Want to get going right now with your business? Pick up his Start Now Get Perfect Later book: ►Or see all of his books plus some that he recommends here:
WARNING: China's Incoming Collapse Is Worse Than You Think!

WARNING: China's Incoming Collapse Is Worse Than You Think!

China's Incoming Collapse Is Worse Than You Think current events world news 2022 We must be very straightforward with you today, because this is a very serious issue. The alarm bells are ringing louder and louder, and China is facing a mutiny. Yeah, a mutiny. Here's what it looks like, But wait, A mutiny against China should not be possible. The whole world witnessed how Hong Kong protests failed to make a difference, but this is different. It's a revolt against mortgage and it's bringing the Chinese economy to its knees. Now, if you've been paying attention, the mortgage crisis is not to be taken lightly, and for China it's much more than that. GDP growth has stalled to its lowest pace in four decades. It stands at just 0.4%, a world away from the government's expectations of 5.5% for 2022, but to get the whole picture of how deep the rod runs, let's address the debt, bomb. China's total public debt now exceeds 300% of GDP, 60% higher than the average across other countries. This net to GDP ratio is growing at 11% per year. China's GDP though, has grown far less than 11% annually during the past decade, so the debt is comfortably outpacing growth. Youth unemployment is at 20%, the highest in recorded history, and then there's the war that has caused unprecedented supply chain headaches. China's middle class consumers are already preparing for the economic winter as they rush to buy close to expired food at discounted rates. To top it all off, China is fighting an unwinnable fight against the pandemic. More on that later. But first, let's address the problem that's hastening China's economic decline. The property bubble. The property sector has essentially been the driver of the Chinese economy for three decades. As of 2022, real estate makes up 30% of the world's second largest economy. That's double the size of America's property sector and three times that of Europe. Ever since the 2008 recession, the Chinese stock market has remained stagnant, so real estate has been the preferred investment sector for most Chinese people. Right now, about 70% of household is tied up with real estate, but there's a big structural problem there. Most of the money generated in the market comes from pre-sold homes that make up 90% of all property sales. So the buyer pays the mortgage on a development that is yet to be completed. The developer takes the money, puts it into new projects. The existing projects are completed with borrowed money. And it practically becomes a Ponzi scheme, where the asset does not exist. But what happens when the bank no longer provides the debt to cover construction. Developers are yet to deliver 40% of all the homes they sold between 2013 and 2020. Consumer confidence in the market is at an all time low. And home prices have fallen for a record 11 months in a row. Things came to a head last month when thousands of home buyers came together to boycott mortgage installments. The boycots have spread to at least 320 projects in 99 cities, making it perhaps the largest mortgage protest in China's history. This is, China's Incoming Collapse Is Worse Than You Think. Special thanks - @PeterSchiffChannel Subscribe - @-anonymous Follow us on YouTube - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - More videos - Mind blowing videos for you - Background music - Epidemic Sound Content licensed For concerns regarding material used in this video, please contact us via email at: and we can sort it out.
I Became Rich Once I Learned This - How You Can Become Rich In 2025!!

I Became Rich Once I Learned This - How You Can Become Rich In 2025!!

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